With the end of April and finally the month of May (my favorite month) the flowers and grass are providing some much needed color after a long cold winter. It seems like every day there is new growth in the flower beds. Sometimes I don't know remember what it is when it first comes up, but after a few days I know whether to pull it or not. I'm hoping my Morning Glories will reseed this year even though I did harvest a few seeds at the end of the season last year so I can get some growing just in case.
The trees are leafing out more and more as the weather cooperates. Or is it the trees cooperating with the weather? Before long there will be blossoms on the plum tree which is always a pretty sight.
There are numerous pairs of Baltimore Orioles this year and I may have to put out another jelly feeder since they are already fighting over who goes first. Yesterday an Orchard Oriole was at the feeder for the first time. And today the hummingbirds arrived looking for their sugar water.
Keeping the flower beds weeded and the bird feeders full adds to my long list of chores. But the colorful rewards outweigh the effort.
yellow Daffodils and blue Chionodoxa |
Tulips |
Daffodil |
Tulips |
Violets rule at Nestle Inn Bed & Breakfast |