Sunday, April 13, 2014

What a Woman Should Know (part ten)

A series of excerpts from the booklet What a Woman Should Know by George M Vickers printed in 1904 by the White Sewing Machine Company of Cleveland, Ohio.

Last time in part nine we learned the importance of wearing colors that harmonize with the four different complexions: Blonde, Demi-Blonde, Pale Brunette and Decided Brunette. Today's excerpt lists the colors that complement each other.
Look at a group of three or four colors this way: the first two are basic, and the other two are accessory colors.

         Page 12:
By observing the rule of harmony in the following list, colors in both dress goods and trimmings can be safely selected. In ordering by mail, or purchasing for others, they will prove most useful.
The Colors That Harmonize Blue and gold.
Blue and orange.
Blue and salmon-color.
Black and white.
Black and orange.
Black and maize.
Black and scarlet.
Black and lilac.
Black and pink.
Black and slate-color.
Black and drab or buff.
Black, yellow (or white), and crimson.
Black, orange, blue, and scarlet.
Blue and drab.
Blue and stone-color.
Blue and white (or gray).
Blue and straw-color.
Blue and maize.
Blue and chestnut (or chocolate).
Blue and brown.
Blue and black.
Blue, scarlet, and purple (or lilac).
Blue, orange, and black.
Blue, orange, and green.
Blue, brown, crimson, and gold (or yellow).
Blue, orange, black, and white.
Crimson and gold.
Crimson and orange.
Crimson and maize.
Crimson and purple.
Crimson and drab.
Green and gold.
Green and yellow.
Green and orange.
Green and scarlet.
Green, scarlet, and blue.
Green, crimson, blue, and gold.
Lilac and gold.
Lilac and maize.
Lilac and cherry.
Lilac and scarlet.
Lilac and crimson.
Lilac, scarlet, and black (or white).
Lilac, gold color, and crimson.
Lilac, yellow (or gold), scarlet, and white.
Orange and chestnut.
Orange and brown.
Orange, lilac, and crimson.
Orange, red, and green.
Orange, blue, and crimson.
Orange, purple, and scarlet.
Orange, blue, scarlet, and purple.
Orange, blue, scarlet, and claret.
Orange, blue, scarlet, white, and green.
Purple and gold.
Purple and orange.
Purple and maize.
Purple and blue.
Purple, scarlet, and gold-color.
Purple, scarlet, and white.
Purple, scarlet, blue, and orange.
Purple, scarlet, blue, yellow, and black.
Red and gold (or gold color).
Red and white (or gray).
Red, orange, and green.
Red, yellow, and black.
Red, gold-color, black, and white.
Scarlet and purple.
Scarlet and blue.
Scarlet and orange.
Scarlet and slate-color.
Scarlet, black and white.
Scarlet, blue, and white.
Scarlet, blue, and gray.
Scarlet, blue, and yellow.
Scarlet, blue, black, and yellow.
White and scarlet.
White and crimson.
White and cherry.
White and pink.
White and brown.
Yellow and purple.
Yellow and blue.
Yellow and violet.
Yellow and brown.
Yellow and red.
Yellow and black.
Yellow and chestnut (or chocolate).
Yellow, purple, and crimson.
Yellow, purple, scarlet, and blue.

Upcoming in part eleven we learn about Veils, Fans, Gloves and Parasols.

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